investment opportunities
Way back before my paid ministry days I was involved in a life changing event. It actually wasn't my life that had been changed. The life I'm talking about was a man named Bill. Our church was looking for a new way to jump start our outreach to the community and honestly to find a new channel of visitors who would then become part of us and eventually contribute financially to our cause in the community. In other words, to help us balance the budget. It might sound cynical to you...I've been accused of that before, but it's ultimately true. I'm not really sure that our motivation would have been pure if it weren't for the fact that we were behind in our budget. For whatever reason, we became involved in a program called "Phones For You". Basically what happened was that we set up a num ber of phone lines, six I believe, and got volunteers to work for 3 weeks calling literally thousands of people. The idea was that we call them and invite them to a spec...