
Showing posts from June, 2007


Things are a bit brighter at this time of day. I had a date with about 100 kids this morning which took priority over the caffeine hideout. It’s a good change for me actually. I get a different drink, one that’s cold and blended as opposed to hot enough and stiff enough to blast me headlong into the week. This one is just smooth and soothing. It goes well with the sunshine streaming in from the street. I also have a fresh perspective, compliments of said 100+ cherubs who I was surrounded by all morning. They reminded me what enthusiasm looks like. They also reminded me where enthusiasm came from. At the risk of exerting my pastoral artist influence, I’ll just share that “enthusiasm” literally means “in God”. It is from “en – theos”. I had forgotten that bit of trivia. Fortunately 100+ “enthusiastic children did not. I was brought face to face with enthusiasm “en – theos” this morning as these children in question went crazy over the idea that the creator of the universe love...


It’s been quite a week. I began here a week ago and I returned here this morning, but in between….well that was a week. Let me just explain it as briefly, but thoroughly as I can. Seven of us traveling together on a ridiculously early flight, arrival in Chicago, rental car success, great meal, great hotel, cicada invasion, ridiculous traffic, plan B on the “El” to downtown, wonderful walk in wonderful weather through some classic architecture, Michigan avenue, Hershey’s store, great neighborhood deep dish pizza, back on the “El”, great hotel, very large conference full of artists and inspiration, more cicadas, Navy Pier, back to the airport for a ridiculously late flight, giving up seats for two more tickets, a free stay in a gorgeous hotel, first class flight in the morning, graduation parties, teaching in my community o’ faith, Fathers Day, and now here I am again. It’s been quite a week. All through this experience I’ve had the same thought running through my head. Ginomai. It’s pro...


I woke up this morning trying hard to listen. Now, I’ll admit that some would say that at the hour that I wake up in the morning there is not much to listen to. That’s kind of the point. It is quiet, I’ll grant you that. But quiet isn’t necessarily what is needed to help me in my listening skills. I’m not necessarily seeking to listen to voices of the human persuasion. It’s the inhuman kind that I’m listening for. Some call it the inner voice. Some call it the inner self, and some even call it the inner child. Sometimes I think that those people should have probably had their inner child spanked a number of years ago. The Book calls it the “still small voice”. My faith calls it the Holy Spirit of the God of the universe. I’m not sure how you think, but in my finite mind I tend to wonder why the still small voice is small at all. You’d think that the God of the universe and author of some type of creative “Big Bang” could come up with something a bit more attention getting. ...


The weather has changed. I’ve changed up the scenery, for a day at least, by visiting my daughter at my former caffeinated hangout. I’ve even changed my schedule this week. I can feel myself inching further out on a limb even as I write this. For someone with my idiosyncrasies, I find that the best contributor to balance is a recognition and an attempt at stretching. It combats denial. At least I tell myself that anyway. I’ll admit that there’s a bit of Bob (as in “What About….”) in me. It all comes down to baby steps. Even as I proceed through an altered morning ritual I keep telling myself that everything will work out. It will be fine. The clock will still move onwards and dinner will still happen at the appointed hour. It will be just fine. It’s not bad. It’s just different. This place is full this morning. I can’t help but wonder how many others here are living as planned this morning. Most look as if they are. Even with caffeine coursing through their veins, they all appear calm ...