more than half of me

Friday marks another beginning of the annual event in our house known as Valentines. Many of you who know me, know what this means. Some of you wish that you didn't. Some of my guy friends wish that their wives didn't. For the rest, let me just say that this isn't your grandmothers version. I'm not talking about the once a year, flowers, chocolates and dinner reservations type of event. I decided long ago that I didn't need FTD, Hallmark, or Yelp to drive my observation of the holiday. This isn't meant to be judgement on the's simply a reflection of the least I can do to honor my soul mate and the best half of my life. Simply put, our celebration goes from the 1st to the 14th. It does include flowers, dinner, and cards. The biggest part of it though is the daily, intentional demonstration of love and honor through little expressions and experiences that, quite honestly, are not costly at all, unless you count the in...