the truth about Good Friday
Today for me, along with those who share my faith, is known as Good Friday. I must confess that for a good deal of my growing up years I was mystified by why this was called Good Friday. I mean really...from Jesus' perspective on a cross it couldn't have been "good" could it? It was about death and dying. I always wondered why this day wasn't known as "Black Friday" instead of the day after Thanksgiving. Shouldn't Easter Sunday have been named "Good Sunday"? The only thing that I could possibly see as "good" about it was that, in my day, it was a holiday from School. Now in these days of tolerance and equal time and all, the most that even Christian schools can seem to get away with is a half day off. I guess its really a wonder, with this depth of understanding, that I ever entered into the field of pastoral artistry. Fortunately I have come to see the relevance of the "good" in Good Friday. The "good...