On writing and living
I came down to visit an old friend this morning. My honey is spending some time with a friend on the East coast this week during Spring break...and by East Coast Spring Break I'm not referring to Panama City or any sort of beach like destination. I, however, am at the beach; my friend being my Starbucks hangout of former days. The sun is out and glowing a faint orange on the snow caps and the ambitious ones are on bikes or on foot. I wasn't intending to write anything this morning...just going to hang for some early coffee before entering the realm of office, work and all things pastoral. It's pretty unavoidable though, the writing I mean, when you are sitting as a spectator before a sight like this. It makes me feel better in the days when my better half is not around. It makes me, even though I fight it, not want to be a spectator. I see the runners pacing themselves along the sea wall. I see the cyclists optimistically pumping the...