Mirror numbering
Depending on the layout of the city, town, or rural roads that mark the place of your inhabitance, you may have experienced the system of what I have come to term "mirror numbering". I'm sure there is probably a more technical term given to it by some traffic engineer...I've just never bothered to investigate . As is the case in many other situations, I prefer to come up with my own metaphor that explains it. Mirror numbering is simply the method of having street address numbers proceed in opposite directions from a specific point of origin. In other words, 1st avenue north and 1st avenue south both originate in one point and there is a 100 block on either side of that point. As you progress to the middle from either direction you are moving towards zero and at the meeting point you begin to again move away from zero without even changing the direction that you were originally heading. I have discovered this phenomenon to be true even within some...