Miserable joy and glorious pain

"I don't know where you're leading, unless you've led me here" is a line from a Rich Mullins song, penned near the end of his life. I think about that line often. Every once in awhile I slow down and look back over the years to the afternoon spent lying on my back on this rock, in a clearing in the Rockies at 10,000 feet. I've just passed the 10 year anniversary of this 4 hours spent alone with God in a place that only God could have created. To be honest, this past year has gone by so fast that I've not really taken the time to stop and look back again. But I'm back for a morning in the place where so many posts were originated on this blog that took its name from this moment in time on "my rock". I'm back and looking once again at this picture that reminds me of this defining chapter in the story that would propel me into the life and ministry that we now find ourselves in. All that I can say, in an honest reflection, is that I...