So my last post probably indicated a level of exasperation when it comes to wrestling with God through the medium of prayer. For the weak of heart it may have seemed a bit jaded ... And I'm sure to some degree that it was, and in fact continues to be. However, I choose to view it as real and honest, raw and certainly uncomfortable. It mirrors my journey to a degree. You'll never mistake me for Joel Osteen, I can assure you of that. Since the last post, not coincidentally I believe, I've engaged in another wrestling match with God that has left me grasping, wondering, grateful and frustrated, mostly all at the same time. I've found that sharing with others the journey and the wrestling can help,that is of course until it doesn't. I've found that waiting on God, meditating patiently, and proceeding cautiously helps, until it doesn't. I've seen where putting out the fleece of "just one more confirmation" can help, until it doesn't. I ...