Living in the "in-between"

For most of my life I would have been considered anything but urban. I've lived in the cornfields of the Midwest. I've lived among the rural farms of Upstate New York. Some of my fondest memories are still the many days of my life spent in the solitude and wild of the Adirondack mountains. In many ways I am convinced that those were the days that formed my inner places. I am an introvert by design. I am a writer of sorts and this place breathed the life and contemplation into my soul necessary for words to then be poured out. I could feel the very presence of God there. The secret places of the forest seemed to wrap themselves around me and even now, nearly 30 years after last stepping foot on those paths, I can still feel them calling to me. Especially now. These past 17 years I have chosen to live within the city limits of one of our country's major urban centers. In fact for these past few years it has been considered the fastest growing urban cen...