Speaking in tongues

" If I speak in the tongues [ a ] of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal." For most of the past 6 years my existence has centered around what is arguably the most intense urban renewal project anywhere in the country. For more than 10 years now this 10 block by 10 square block section of the city has been in a constant build mode that is taking place on the streets, under the streets and upwards of 40 stories above the streets. It can so many days be such a source of stimulation overload. The daily game of street roulette to determine which street or sidewalk is open and which ones closed became very old very quickly. I often am driven from my office to seek sanctuary and silence … or at least a dull roar. Personally it has driven me, against everything I've always believed about interacting with the world, to spend a good part of my days wearing ear buds or even full on headphones. So, a...