
I'm leaving for a week. I'm leaving the comforts of home. I'm leaving the demands of the job. I'm leaving the ridiculousness of the culture that so much values style over substance. I'll be in a wilderness in Canada on an island speaking to the greatest consumers of style the world has even known.....high school students. I'm praying for them. I'm praying for me. My job is to provide substance from God's word that will cross all style barriers. I have very little style, so I'll be relying totally on God's ability to deliver substance. I'm not praying as much for what will happen this week as I am praying for what will happen when they and I venture back to a culture of headlines and who is dating, marrying, and or divorcing who. The success of the week depend less on what happens there as it does with what happens here afterwards. I keep thinking of Paul's experience after his encounter with Jesus and then his subsequent baptism. My version says that something like scales fell from his eyes. He could see clearly. That's my prayer for them as I write this. The scales are indeed thick on the eyes of our culture. How we could emulate people who so don't have a handle on life, relationships, parenting, real work and real consequence is beyond me. I think at least one layer of scales is style. Someone can crash and burn, but as long as they do it with style..... I find that even some of those anti-establishment non-conformist types that are so prevalent where I live actually have a certain style about how they don't pursue style. It's a type of style for the style-less. Don't get me wrong, I only wish that I could identify a current trend before it makes the "nick-at-night" stage. If I ever stumble into anything resembling current style, I have my wife to thank. She tries, my kids try, but it doesn't seem to work out. By the time that they've convinced me that something is indeed in style, it's already too late. I give in to the style only to find out that I am "so last month". Whatever. There's I reason I've never been asked to speak on style.


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