It’s been an interesting day so far, maybe not so much for a Monday. It’s kind of like the Twilight Zone. I woke up this morning to clear skies….that should have been a clue right there. I came outside and started up a new, for us anyway, vehicle that we just bought yesterday. Down at the beach, there’s plenty of cars and even plenty of buses, but not many people at all. Inside Starbucks, the fireplace is actually on. … Now I’ve realized that something is definitely wrong. I boot up this trusty laptop only to have, for the first time ever, the file transfer wizard appear asking me if I’m ready to transfer my files to another computer. This can’t be good. It’s very confusing to me until, upon opening my “Office” files, I discover that, at the moment at least, none of them exist any longer. That could be bad. Now I understand the file transfer prompt….too late for that.
Interesting…… This very weekend my wife and I have been praying for realignment, to focus on what is important, to eliminate the stuff that doesn’t matter. We have even talked about my needing to put this laptop friend to rest and begin life with a new and improved model. Today, this day, this post is actually my 200th post to this blog. It’s a milestone of notice for me. Some have said that I should write a book and that they’d actually buy it…at a family discount of course. This is my book. You can read it for free. Scroll back through the years and enter in to my life if you are exceptionally bored. Almost 3 years ago I sat down and began to write weekly about my life and times, and I’ve not stopped. I’ve written through graduations, vacations, relief work in New Orleans. I’ve written though birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and weddings. I’ve written about surgeries and back problems, excitement and exhaustion. I’ve written about faith and friends and family. You can look back through the pages, it’s all in there.
And as I drove down this morning I was anticipating writing something for the occasion and where we’re at in life and to reflect on some new beginnings that I begin to focus on today. I didn’t realize that all 3 years of my previous life contained within the walls of this overgrown keypad would vanish like a vapor. Maybe it’s part of answered prayer. It just may be because, while I should be beside myself with anxiety, after all, these writings are just a small part of the entirety of my existence contained in here, my calmness reflects some type of attitude adjustment. I mean really, I have a whole semester of grad school on here and the first two weeks of this semester. I should be giving this thing mouth to keypad resuscitation. The paranoid part of me could settle on this just being the worst of some very bad Monday’s. I’m not choosing to go there. After all, let’s be honest, if the fireplace is on here at Starbucks, and the sun is out in the winter, both in the same day, then this day offers much promise. And it’s been 200 times I’ve entered and left the digital confines of my blog. So new cars, new focus, new computers, new files, it all fits in. This is my life today, and I’m just happy for the chance to start again.


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