
Some of you will be annoyed as you read that I’m enjoying a nice cool start to the day here at my seat by the beach. The marine layer, known as fog in other parts of the world, is in which only promises another blue sky, sunny and 80 degree day. We have settled into the weather pattern that is the reason I won’t leave Seattle in the Summer. It is, in a word, fabulous. Anyway….enough of the taunting. While the weather on the outside has been fabulous, inside it’s been a fairly turbulent season. This week represents, I think, the eye of the storm. It is peaceful. It is clear. Best of all, it’s quiet,
which is more that I can say for the past few months.
After struggling through my most taxing graduate classes to date, three DIY “What the Hell Were We Thinking” home projects in a row, and all the issues that leading a community o’faith can offer up, we now look to THE WEDDING. This Sunday, with the arrival of THE BRIDE, marks the first wave of people and activity that will be washing over our shores for most of the next 2 weeks. This past weekend we had a dry run by hosting good friends for a few days of hanging out and enjoying some local attractions. It was, in a word, fabulous. The bakeress ran some trial recipes by us and warmed up her hospitality wheels. It was a good lead in. I think that I’m mentally ready for THE EVENT. All things considered, I am actually, within my reclusive self, looking forward to it.
That is because I can imagine this week, that I’m living in right now, being the big breath that you take in the midst of a cannonball plunge, just before entering the water. There is plenty of walking, dinner out with my gorgeous wife, a beach bbq, relaxing in our back yard oasis, two days spent with Princess Lily, even hair and dental appointments tossed in, but it is just the two of us, and it is quiet. It is fabulous. That will all end on Sunday evening. The wave will start out small. It’ll begin to build through the early part of the week until it crashes ashore on Thursday evening. By the time it is finished Friday evening it will have engulfed most of the people that we know in some way. On Saturday morning, THE COUPLE will be off to spend some time with Mickey and the gang and we’ll all be left in the wake to clean up. I was in New Orleans after Katrina so I have some idea of what this might entail.
So I’m enjoying these last few moments in my big comfy chair by the window with some hot coffee and some Eagles in my headphones. Soon this quiet will end. I’ll see you on the other side. For those of you who will be fortunate enough to experience THE EVENT first hand, I welcome you. We’re all in this together. Hold your breath. Take the plunge. Trust me, it’ll be fabulous.


Angi N. said…
Hey Dan,
If you guys need any help cleaning up post Wedding let me know. I'm shaking in my white flip flops and watermelon dress at the thought of how soon it will all go down, but it will be beautiful! See you soon for the official Week of Wedding!

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