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So today is my birthday… and to celebrate, I’ve wandered down to the beach to grab some coffee, a cheese Danish, and some time with my laptop to ease into everything else that I need to be about today. As far as days go, let me just say that this one is spectacular. There is not a cloud in the sky as the sun shines over the waters toward the mountains. It is one of those days, as Fall approaches, that begins with just a touch of a biting breeze but promises 80 degrees by mid afternoon. I guess that I couldn’t have scripted a better one, regardless of the occasion. This day isn’t about presents for me. My best present arrived yesterday afternoon with the safe delivery of an 8’ 3oz grandson. This day isn’t cake or ice cream or cards or balloons. Although I’m not opposed to celebrating at a happy hour with my gorgeous wife.
Birthday’s, in the past several years, have been like the center point on a teeter totter for me. On one side I get to stop just briefly and remember all that God has allowed me to experience this past year. On the other side, I want to imagine where He might take me in this next. I get to set down and own a dream or two as I reflect on those that came true since last time.
I have to admit that this last one will be hard to beat. In the past year I’ve been able to fall deeper in love with the one who really does complete me. We’ve been part of two journey’s to bring clean water to villages in Guatemala and Honduras. We spent two full weeks on our own wandering vacation/exploration up the West coast. We’ve spent this past year watching our granddaughter become more enjoyable every day, and yesterday experienced the joy of the birth of a new 8 lb adventure named Aiden. I’ve been honored to fall more deeply in love with the community we live in and the community we worship and serve with. I’ve begun a new sideline business/hobby to help other churches and pastors fall more deeply in love with their mission.
So what could I possibly have to look forward to moving forward on the teeter totter from here? Well… I guess in all things I’d just like to be more of everything I’ve been able to be. I’d like to be more of a husband, more of a dad, more of a grandpa, more of a friend, a son, a brother, a pastor. I’m not sure what it all looks like, but I guess I’ll see along the way. I’ve done just about everything that I’ve wanted to do with the life I’ve been granted so all that is left is to do it better.
Practically speaking… there are 3 things that I’d like to accomplish in the next year. Number one is that I’m going to finally get a tattoo… actually both my wife and I are…the only obstacle has been and continues to be the question of “what” to get. Number two is our next well drilling trip to Central America and along with it the ability to reasonably converse in Spanish. Number three is that I’d like to begin finally writing a book that someone will publish before my 50th birthday, so I’m on a two year plan. So another year starts right here and right now … see you on the other side of it.


Neil said…
Happy Birthday to you...
Shannon said…
Yay for tattoos! Can't wait to see what you and Joanne get! :)

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