Just saying "thank you"

Sometimes I need to be hit on the head, literally it would seem, to take in all that God has in store for us. A little more than a week ago, after a cheap shot by an industrial dumpster, I ended up in the ER with a head injury. It could have been, actually should have been, much more serious than it was. In the end I came home with staples in my head and a new example of what happens when one is an idiot. A few days later, the well meant and well timed question from a member of our group "hey would you guys like a car?" was put in front of me. In normal circumstances I'm pretty sure that the acceptance of a gift of that magnitude would have been nearly impossible for us. However, the memory of the panic over how one would get to an ER, while bleeding profusely from the head, without personal transportation was still fresh in our minds. Zip Car came through for us in that instance, but then the added concern for bleeding in a car not our own still lingered long after. That scenario had never occurred to me, nor had the scenario my wife possibly having to transport me to a hospital at night in an emergency situation. Those all factored in, and without even knowing what the vehicle was, we humbly accepted the gift eagerly offered. Another dear friend encouraged us to just say "thank you". So we did. I'm not going to elaborate here on the vehicle, save to say that it's not your average used car and it only adds to our amazement at how God works in the hearts of people who understand that their stuff is merely God's stuff entrusted to them to be put to best use. Grateful doesn't nearly cover it.
The lesson here, in my humble opinion is simply this. Say "thank you" and accept what comes your way. Don't be resistant. Experience gratitude. If it becomes too difficult a task for you, just pay it forward. Don't be the one needing to be knocked upside the head.